Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Aspartame and Glutamate: Chronic Pain

"Removing Aspartame and Glutamate from the Diet for 4 Months Can Eliminate Chronic Pain Symptoms." (Annals of Pharmacology)

I contend that most chronic pain patterns stem from an underlying structural and/or postural problem. Therefore, that particular structural problem requires a structural solution.....a solution we handle in our office with a highly technical skill.

However, even with wonderful structural and posture rebuilding, lingering pain may persist. That pain may be due to the repetitive intake of food and drink which contain the chemicals known as Aspartame and /or Glutamate. Aspartame and Glutamate are two nasty chemicals that are found in foods, drinks, and/or chewing gum. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener. Glutamate is a food flavor enhancer. Food and Drink manufacturers add these substances to sweeten foods/drinks as well as stimulate your brain to "like" a food better (therefore increasing your chances of eating more and more and more).

If you have a chronic pain pattern (and even if you do not), I suggest beginning to read the nutrition label of the foods, drinks, and chewing gums while you are at the grocery store. Avoid the products which contain the words aspartame and/or glutamate. 

Chronic Pain Evaluation: Includes updated Structural Assessment, Digital Radiographic Analysis, and Presentation of Findings to layout a battle plan to rebuild the problem area. $49. Expires 12/31/11

Thursday, November 3, 2011

More than 200,000 microdiscectomies (a type of back surgery) are performed annually in the United States, at a direct cost of $5 billion or $25,000 per procedure.

60% of patients with Sciatica (low back pain that radiates down the leg) who had failed other medical management benefitted from spinal adjustments to the same degree as if they underwent surgical intervention.

In a recent study, consenting participants were chosen randomly to receive either an average of 21 chiropractic sessions over a year or a single microdiscectomy.

If cost is assumed at $100 per chiropractic visit, there is a direct, total savings of $22,900 per adjustment patient. System-wide, this could save $2.75 billion dollars annually.

This research supports spinal adjustments performed by a doctor of chiropractic is a valuable and safe treatment option for those experiencing symptomatic lumbar disc pain.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

World's Greatest Hockey Player Finally Helped By Chiropractor

It is great to see the greatest hockey player on the planet *finally* getting help from his post-concussion syndrome-----by a Chiropractor! I contacted the Pittsburgh Penguins back in March stating I could probably help him based on our expertise treating patients suffering from post-concussion syndrome. The letter I sent to the Penguins is posted above.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011


One of the questions I ask patients of Synchrony ChiroCare or clients starting the BStrong4Life program is "What is your Goal during you care in our office?" More often than not, the answer is: "I want to get healthy." Even is the answer is a different one, I follow with another question: "Why?" Usually I will get another answer to which I ask again, "Why?" Almost universally, the more I ask "Why?" the closer you as a patient or client will tell me the real reason: "because it will make me happier."

Let me give you a few real examples from my files:

Dr. Bennese: "What is your Goal during your care in our office?"
Patient: "To increase my bone density."
Dr. Bennese: "Why?"
Patient: "So I don't have to take bone density medication and suffer all the side effects"
Dr. Bennese: "Why?"

Sometimes I have to dig a little deeper....

Dr. Bennese: "What is your Goal during your care in our office?"
Patient: "To get rid of my sciatica"
Dr. Bennese: "Why?"
Patient: "So I can resume training"
Dr. Bennese: "Why?"
Patient: "Because I want to Run faster."
Dr. Bennese: "Why?"
Patient: "So I can fulfil my dream of running a marathon."
Dr. Bennese: "Why?"

As Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com said, "In the end, it turns out that we're all taking different paths in pursuit of the same goal: happiness."

Friday, September 23, 2011

What is Osteoporosis?

The following article was recently published in Woman Newspaper, a publication serving Cumberland, Dauphin and Adams Counties. It is the first of a series on Bone Density over the next 6 months.

What is Osteoporosis?
by Dr. Michael Bennese

Osteoporosis is a loss of bone density, a condition which causes the bones to become brittle and fracture more easily. Although approximately 8 million women and 3 million men suffer from this debilitating disorder, osteoporosis is not an inevitable part of aging. The misconception that osteoporosis is a normal part of aging results in too many people unnecessarily suffering significant pain, deformity, or death.

What’s happening?

In a normal state, bones are in a constant cycle of regeneration. That cycle is necessary so that the vital minerals within the bone can be distributed throughout the bloodstream. Cells within the bone then rebuild the lost bone. However, when that process slows down or becomes imbalanced, bones become weakened. Research indicates that weight bearing exercise, and particularly resistance exercise, is the best method of regenerating bone density. Weight bearing describes any activity you do on your feet that works your bones and muscles against gravity. Activities such as cycling and swimming are not weight bearing activities.

As we age, it is especially difficult to do exercise that stresses the bone enough to regenerate it without damage to joints.

How is Osteoporosis Diagnosed?

A simple, pain-free test to determine your bone density health is called a Bone Densitometry Exam (commonly referred to as a “Dexa Scan”). It the gold-standard in healthcare for measuring bone density. Many clinics in our area offer this test. The Dexa Scan measures bone density from various points in your skeleton, then gives you a score. The score will tell you if you have: a) Normal Bone Density b) Osteopenia (the stage before osteoporosis) or c) Osteoporosis. The test is then repeated anywhere from 1 -2 years later to determine progress of the treatment administered, whether it be drug therapy or Drug-Free Bone Density Improvement Program.

9 Facts on Osteoporosis

• 10 million people already have osteoporosis, many are not aware they do….
• 2 million men have osteoporosis; 3 million are at risk of developing it.
• At least 34 million people currently have lower than normal bone mass.
• 40% of women 50+ will suffer a fracture due to osteoporosis in their lifetime.
• The risk of fracture in women due to weak bones is greater than the risk of heart attack, stroke, or breast cancer….combined.
• Osteoporosis affects the entire skeleton.
• Most fractures due to osteoporosis occur in the spine, hip and wrist.
• 66% of spinal fractures occur without any pain…however, they do lead to the familiar “hunched over posture”, which in turn causes many other problems.
• With common sense improvements to diet and nutrition, safe maximum loading of the skeleton over time can improve bone mass and reverse osteoporosis.

Dr. Michael Bennese, DC is a Certified Biomechanics Specialist with special training in the drug-free prevention and reversal of osteoporosis and osteopenia. He is founder of BStrong4Life-Enola, and founder and owner of Synchrony ChiroCare, one of the most advanced clinics in the country. Serving Central PA for 10 years, he is proud to be one of the first clinics in Pennsylvania to offer amazing technology that safely increases bone density, muscle strength, and coordination.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

"You can't stop the waves, but you can learn to surf" -Jon Kabat-Zinn

Dr. Bennese says Gravity is Constant....but how your body HANDLES gravity can change for the better. Much better.

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

The Hockey Goalie Mask


Dr. Michael Bennese

The sport of Ice Hockey is more than 155 years old. Hockey goalie masks are only 35 years old. Isn’t it odd that it took 120 years for one goalie to finally say “Hey, I’m getting tired of being hit in the face with a puck.”? Really? It took that long to figure it out? Are hockey players really that stupid? Don’t answer that.

But that is exactly how it happened. A goalie named Jacques Plante decided to wear a mask and the rest is history. Think he wasn’t ridiculed at first? Think again. Why do you think he was ridiculed?

Sound like an isolated story of ignorance?

Here’s another: For years now, we have known that the structure of your body dictates how it will function: everything from balance, coordination, and bone density to walking in a mall, to picking up your granddaughter, to getting a good night’s sleep. And yet, for years many of us have been walking around living with the problem allowing it to weigh us down.

Instead of complaining about the way you cannot function, instead of relying on medications to get by, instead of avoiding the activities you love to do…be your own “Jacques Plante”. Decide to improve your function NOW. How much is your independence worth?

Thursday, July 28, 2011

SAVE THE DATE: Aug. 9th at 6:15

On August 9th, 2011 I am presenting an informative talk on the importance of balance, core strength and a solid structure titled Reversing Osteoporosis and Osteopenia Safely Without Medications. I will present valuable information about a solution to osteoporosis, osteopenia and the impact of abnormal posture. Knowledge is power, and you need to have this knowledge in order to get and remain healthy, strong and powerful. I urge you to attend to learn about what you can do for yourself, your friends and your family to insure you all live a healthier, more productive life.

Representatives from Pinnacle Health will be in attendance to provide information on Bone Density Exams (DEXA Scans). They will also provide FREE bone density screenings at the event.

Call 717-732-2222 to tell us how many seats to reserve for you.

P.S.*****Hint: You should attend this presentation if you are interested in PREVENTING osteoporosis as well. :-)

Monday, July 11, 2011

Abnormal Stress and Strain: Forward Head Posture

The average weight of the human head is around 10 lbs. The head is connected to the rest of the body by a flexible set of interconnected bones, called the spine, specifically, in this case, the cervical spine, which we will call "the neck". This vital link between your skull, and what is contained inside, "your brain" and the rest of your body is via the spinal cord that travels down the center of the neck bones – it is literally your lifeline. Any challenges to the spinal cord are serious, and should be addressed immediately.

The most common form of stress affecting the head and neck, and therefore, the cervical spinal cord, is forward head posture. What this means is, the head is displaced from the center of gravity over time, so that it is forward of it's ideal position. This means the muscles, ligaments and joints are under excess stress and strain because they must work extra hard to support the head and neck. In fact, for every inch forward from the normal position your head is displaced, the effective weight of your head increases dramatically. Think of holding a half gallon of milk by the handle, close to you, versus out at arms length…the effect of the load is dramatically different on your shoulder muscles! The constant excessive stress on the bones, muscles, ligaments and joints of your neck due to forward head posture will produce challenges to the way your neck moves, as well as the way your spinal cord functions to communicate with the rest of your body.

Due to the fact that most people use computers, watch television in less than optimal positions, and read in bed in poor positions, forward head posture is very common! The abnormal stress this posture puts on your head, neck and spinal cord is responsible for a number of common problems ranging from muscle tension headaches (due to the extra work the muscles have to do to support the head and neck), disc degeneration, disc bulging or even disc herniations or ruptures in extreme cases. The fact is, in every case, forward head posture should be corrected or improved to minimize any problems in the head and neck and avoid any future complications.

A complete postural assessment will reveal the source of abnormal stress and strain on the neck, and the rest of the body. Often, radiographs, commonly called x-rays are taken to accurately measure the exact position of the head, neck and spinal bones relative to normal. Once this assessment is complete, the appropriate course of action can be pursued. This will often include a modification of common activities, changing your driving, sleeping, computer positions etc. as well as specific exercises, and techniques to rebuild your posture towards the normal, strong and healthy position.

It is essential that each and every person take good care of their body to fully embrace life and all that is possible. Head and neck posture that is as near normal as possible will insure the function of your muscles, bones and joints is as good as it can be. The possibilities are endless when you have your health and optimum function. If you look in the mirror, and your ear is in front of your shoulder, or you see forward head posture in any of your friends, colleagues or loved ones, be sure to tell them they must have this abnormal position addressed as soon as possible. The best possible treatment is prevention, so getting to the cause of forward head posture makes good sense. For more information feel free to contact me at 717-732-2222. If I am unavailable, leave a few good times for us to connect.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Annual Vacation Week and Contact Info

Synchrony ChiroCare will be closed for its annual week off Mon. June 20th-Fri. June 24th. Get those last minute adjustments in by noon FRIDAY! My good friend and trusted physician Dr. Bryan Staker at Fifth Avenue Chiropractic will be your contact for any emergency care. Phone: 717-263-6101. 761 5th Avenue, Suite F, Chambersburg, PA 17201. If you haven't already, connect with me to discuss your home care during this time. http://fifthavechiro.com/

Monday, June 6, 2011

SAFE Sunscreens

It's Sun Season! Time to soak in some healthy sunshine. Taken in correct "doses" sunshine creates Vitamin D, a necessary hormone (not a vitamin at all) to perform all sorts of functions in our bodies.

Be careful not to burn though, as sunBURN (not suntan) has been shown to increase skin cancer risks.

However, if you are going to be out in the sun for long periods of time, it's a good idea to put some sunscreen on to prevent that dangerous burn. BUT, 90% of the sunscreens on the market are nothing more than toxic mixtures of chemicals that have been shown to CAUSE skin cancer instead of preventing it!!

There are many brands out there with all kinds of chemical mixtures. Rather than tell you what is NOT good for you, the list of sunscreens that are safe is much smaller.....so I will list them instead: Look for a product that contains Titanium Dioxide and/or Zinc Oxide. As far as active ingredients that provide sunburn protection, THAT'S IT. Avoid everything else.

So, Have fun in the sun this summer, soak up lots of healthful rays, be aware of your skin type so you know when to apply sunscreen, and if you are going to use a sunscreen, use a SAFE sunscreen.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Scenes From an Italian Restaurant?

Scenes From an Italian Restaurant? No, Scenes From an Italian Spinal Care Class! (Happy Birthday Billy Joel)

Our Spinal Care Class 1 is the New Patient Orientation......but it's great for Chiro-veterans too! To reserve a seat, call or email the office. The class is offered as a complimentary service once a week on Tuesdays at 6:00 PM.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Coming to Synchrony ChiroCare May 2011: BStrong4Life™ will change your life. This scientifically based exercise program is nothing like you’ve ever experienced. Four exercises, five seconds each for a total workout of less than one minute – once a week. This is all that it takes to improve muscle mass and increase strength using BStrong4Life™. Learn more at www.bstrong4life.com

Thursday, April 7, 2011

‎2 tablespoons of Brewer's Yeast in a glass of water is a healthy mid afternoon pick-me-up that I usually drink daily around 2:00 PM...It keeps the hunger pangs down and prevents me from wanting to attack a sugary snack! For the local folks, I recommend Lewis Labs' Brewers Yeast available at Giant Food Stores.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

‎"Health Insurance" should really be called "Sick Insurance. "
"Chiropractic" should really be called "Health Insurance"---Dr. B

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."------Thomas Edison (1847-...1831)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today's Fun and Exciting Question

Today's Fun and Exciting Question:
What is 1,6-dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-beta-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-deoxy-alpha-D-glactopyranoside?

What? You don't know? It is the real name that has been simply changed to "Sucralose" or its brand name SPLENDA!!!

Does that big long word sound natural to you? Of course it does not... it was a chemical made in a lab. If you value your long term health, you will avoid this artificial sweetener like the plague.

Don't be fooled by Splenda's tagline "Made From Sugar, So It Tastes Like Sugar". Folks, that big long chemical (which I refuse to write out again) is far, far from simply sugar.

For more information, I suggest the book Sweet Deception by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Friday, March 18, 2011

"Was I Out of Alignment Today?" - Part 2

According to an article in the peer-reviewed journal JMPT 1998 titled Structural Rehabilitation of the Spine and Posture: Rationale for Treatment Beyond the Resolution of Symptoms, ".......manipulation alone cannot restore postures body postures or improve an altered sagittal (sideview) spinal curve. Therefore, postural chiropractic adjustments, active exercises and stretches, resting spinal blocking procedures, extension traction and ergonomic education are deemed necessary (emphasis added) for maximal spinal rehabilitation."

Notice how it doesn't say "it might be good for you" or "possibly good for you". It says "necessary." So if your problems are determined to be structural, and they are causing you to lose the ability to do things you used to do, a structural solution is necessary......not just adjustments alone.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Was I Out of Alignment Today?" - Part 1

I still get asked at least once a day, "Was I out of alignment today?" This question is asked because many patients still have the out-of-date notion that the adjustment (manipulation) puts a bone back in place. This is not the patient's fault. They have been fed a simple answer to a more complex question for years, because it makes more sense that way.......even if it is wrong.

Sort of like the answer "Chemical Imbalance" to the question of "Why did my doctor put me on an anti-depressant?" The answer is not that simple. (If it was, why isn't there one shred of an objective test to measure this chemical imbalance prior to administering a mind-altering drug?)

What an adjustment has been scientifically shown to do is:
1. Break up adhesions
2. Enhance local circulation to the joints that are under too much load (more on that later)
3. Increase joint mobility

A very valuable tool........but it has its limitations. It DOES NOT put bones back in alignment.....BUT there are treatments that improve your posture and alignment back toward a stronger, more stable, healthier position. Who cares then? If the adjustment makes you feel better temporarily, why bother improving your structure?........more on that next time.....In Good Health, Dr. Bennese

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Academy Awards

I watched a few moments of the Academy Awards last week, and Halle Berry paid tribute to the late actress Lena Horne with a quote of Lena's in the background reading: "IT'S NOT THE LOAD THAT BREAKS YOU DOWN, IT'S THE WAY YOU CARRY IT." I doubt Ms. Horne was referring to posture and body mechanics, but how accurate she is!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Seed You Sow Today

"The seed you sow today will not produce crop till tomorrow. For this reason, your identity does not lie in your current results. This is not who you are. Your current results are who you were."-- James A. Ray

Think of this in terms of the posture and structural changes you either have made, or are in the process of making.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Declaring War on HEADACHES

I was in BJ's Wholesale Club last month. While I was there I saw several people purchasing Economy-Sized Pain Killers and Anti-Inflammatories. There is only one reason in the world someone would need that mammoth sized bottle full of pills....and that is because of chronic pain and/or inflammation.

One of the biggest reasons people take these medications is because of Returning Headaches. Headaches that reoccur every month, week, or even every day.

Thats why we are running a campaign to eradicate Headaches from our citizens of Enola, West Shore, and Perry County! Imagine a community with fewer headache suffererers: Less Road Rage, More Production at Work, Less Time off Work. Happier People!!!!

We are donating our time and resources this month to find out if we can help you finally rid yourself of these chronic headaches. We have a limited number of slots where we can offer this so please call us today at 717-732-2222. Or email us at info@synchronychirocare.com

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Getting Things Done

"Those who make the worst use of their time are the first to complain of its shortness" ---Jean de La Bruysre

"Time Management" is a phrase I hear a lot from my patients. "I just need to manage my time better!" Taking the time out of your busy schedule to come to my office for your treatment can be challenging to say the least......it doesn't have to be.

In my opinion, you cannot "manage time." There are only 24 hours in a day. Period.

If you're like me and and want to Get Things Done is a stress-free manner, then I suggest you read my favorite book on how to teach the Art of Stress-Free Productivity and implement his simple and fun (yes fun) methods of getting things done. Getting Things Done by David Allen.