Compression of certain nerves, like the sciatic nerve, can cause permanent irreversible damage if not treated in time. Dr. Bourdillon, an internationally prominent British Orthopedic Surgeon, stated that muscle wasting of the wrist or hand will occur if a patient is delayed proper neck and upper back spinal adjustments. He added that in 15 years in a busy practice, he did not see ANY secondary muscle wasting EXCEPT among the patients medically treated elsewhere, where the syndrome was allowed to develop before the neck was properly treated. Muscle wasting means the muscle starts withering away due to a lack of proper nerve supply.
Often, I see patients after they have exhausted every other possibe treatment, including surgery for their conditions. This is a perfect example of why Chiroractic Care should never be a "last resort". It is not a luxury....it is a necessity. Rest assured, as your doctor, if your condition is out of my realm and proper treatment would be best administered elsewhere, you will be the first to hear it from me.