It's Sun Season! Time to soak in some healthy sunshine. Taken in correct "doses" sunshine creates Vitamin D, a necessary hormone (not a vitamin at all) to perform all sorts of functions in our bodies.
Be careful not to burn though, as sunBURN (not suntan) has been shown to increase skin cancer risks.
However, if you are going to be out in the sun for long periods of time, it's a good idea to put some sunscreen on to prevent that dangerous burn. BUT, 90% of the sunscreens on the market are nothing more than toxic mixtures of chemicals that have been shown to
CAUSE skin cancer instead of preventing it!! There are many brands out there with all kinds of chemical mixtures. Rather than tell you what is NOT good for you, the list of sunscreens that are safe is much I will list them instead: Look for a product that contains
Titanium Dioxide and/or Zinc Oxide. As far as active ingredients that provide sunburn protection, THAT'S IT. Avoid everything else.
So, Have fun in the sun this summer, soak up lots of healthful rays, be aware of your skin type so you know when to apply sunscreen, and if you are going to use a sunscreen, use a SAFE sunscreen.