I still get asked at least once a day, "Was I out of alignment today?" This question is asked because many patients still have the out-of-date notion that the adjustment (manipulation) puts a bone back in place. This is not the patient's fault. They have been fed a simple answer to a more complex question for years, because it makes more sense that way.......even if it is wrong.
Sort of like the answer "Chemical Imbalance" to the question of "Why did my doctor put me on an anti-depressant?" The answer is not that simple. (If it was, why isn't there one shred of an objective test to measure this chemical imbalance prior to administering a mind-altering drug?)
What an adjustment has been scientifically shown to do is:
1. Break up adhesions
2. Enhance local circulation to the joints that are under too much load (more on that later)
3. Increase joint mobility
A very valuable tool........but it has its limitations. It DOES NOT put bones back in alignment.....BUT there are treatments that improve your posture and alignment back toward a stronger, more stable, healthier position. Who cares then? If the adjustment makes you feel better temporarily, why bother improving your structure?........more on that next time.....In Good Health, Dr. Bennese