Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Aspartame and Glutamate: Chronic Pain

"Removing Aspartame and Glutamate from the Diet for 4 Months Can Eliminate Chronic Pain Symptoms." (Annals of Pharmacology)

I contend that most chronic pain patterns stem from an underlying structural and/or postural problem. Therefore, that particular structural problem requires a structural solution.....a solution we handle in our office with a highly technical skill.

However, even with wonderful structural and posture rebuilding, lingering pain may persist. That pain may be due to the repetitive intake of food and drink which contain the chemicals known as Aspartame and /or Glutamate. Aspartame and Glutamate are two nasty chemicals that are found in foods, drinks, and/or chewing gum. Aspartame is an artificial sweetener. Glutamate is a food flavor enhancer. Food and Drink manufacturers add these substances to sweeten foods/drinks as well as stimulate your brain to "like" a food better (therefore increasing your chances of eating more and more and more).

If you have a chronic pain pattern (and even if you do not), I suggest beginning to read the nutrition label of the foods, drinks, and chewing gums while you are at the grocery store. Avoid the products which contain the words aspartame and/or glutamate. 

Chronic Pain Evaluation: Includes updated Structural Assessment, Digital Radiographic Analysis, and Presentation of Findings to layout a battle plan to rebuild the problem area. $49. Expires 12/31/11