Tuesday, March 29, 2011

‎"Health Insurance" should really be called "Sick Insurance. "
"Chiropractic" should really be called "Health Insurance"---Dr. B

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest her or his patients in the care of the human frame, in a proper diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease."------Thomas Edison (1847-...1831)

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Today's Fun and Exciting Question

Today's Fun and Exciting Question:
What is 1,6-dichloro-1,6-dideoxy-beta-D-fructofuranosyl-4-chloro-4-deoxy-alpha-D-glactopyranoside?

What? You don't know? It is the real name that has been simply changed to "Sucralose" or its brand name SPLENDA!!!

Does that big long word sound natural to you? Of course it does not... it was a chemical made in a lab. If you value your long term health, you will avoid this artificial sweetener like the plague.

Don't be fooled by Splenda's tagline "Made From Sugar, So It Tastes Like Sugar". Folks, that big long chemical (which I refuse to write out again) is far, far from simply sugar.

For more information, I suggest the book Sweet Deception by Dr. Joseph Mercola.

Friday, March 18, 2011

"Was I Out of Alignment Today?" - Part 2

According to an article in the peer-reviewed journal JMPT 1998 titled Structural Rehabilitation of the Spine and Posture: Rationale for Treatment Beyond the Resolution of Symptoms, ".......manipulation alone cannot restore postures body postures or improve an altered sagittal (sideview) spinal curve. Therefore, postural chiropractic adjustments, active exercises and stretches, resting spinal blocking procedures, extension traction and ergonomic education are deemed necessary (emphasis added) for maximal spinal rehabilitation."

Notice how it doesn't say "it might be good for you" or "possibly good for you". It says "necessary." So if your problems are determined to be structural, and they are causing you to lose the ability to do things you used to do, a structural solution is necessary......not just adjustments alone.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

"Was I Out of Alignment Today?" - Part 1

I still get asked at least once a day, "Was I out of alignment today?" This question is asked because many patients still have the out-of-date notion that the adjustment (manipulation) puts a bone back in place. This is not the patient's fault. They have been fed a simple answer to a more complex question for years, because it makes more sense that way.......even if it is wrong.

Sort of like the answer "Chemical Imbalance" to the question of "Why did my doctor put me on an anti-depressant?" The answer is not that simple. (If it was, why isn't there one shred of an objective test to measure this chemical imbalance prior to administering a mind-altering drug?)

What an adjustment has been scientifically shown to do is:
1. Break up adhesions
2. Enhance local circulation to the joints that are under too much load (more on that later)
3. Increase joint mobility

A very valuable tool........but it has its limitations. It DOES NOT put bones back in alignment.....BUT there are treatments that improve your posture and alignment back toward a stronger, more stable, healthier position. Who cares then? If the adjustment makes you feel better temporarily, why bother improving your structure?........more on that next time.....In Good Health, Dr. Bennese

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Academy Awards

I watched a few moments of the Academy Awards last week, and Halle Berry paid tribute to the late actress Lena Horne with a quote of Lena's in the background reading: "IT'S NOT THE LOAD THAT BREAKS YOU DOWN, IT'S THE WAY YOU CARRY IT." I doubt Ms. Horne was referring to posture and body mechanics, but how accurate she is!