Thursday, December 30, 2010

Pain Decreases Brain Size!

Most of my patients tend to think that pain is okay as long as he or she can tolerate it. Only when it gets intolerable do they feel the need to do something about it. Sometimes, the patient even wears the pain as a badge of courage!

Things couldn't be farther than the truth. Pain increases Cortisol. Cortisol is a hormone that casues: 1) Weight Gain 2) Increases Blood Pressure 3)Decreases Your Immune System 4) Decreases the Grey Matter of Your Brain.

So literally, Pain makes your Brain Smaller!!! Resolve to live better in 2011. Resolve to make a difference in your life.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Car Ergonomics from Dr. B.

"I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand." --Confucius

When driving, make a conscious effort of having the back of your head touch the will help prevent you from jutting your head forward and tensing your shoulders. Your adjustments will hold longer.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

BStrong4Life Training in Chicago

Since we moved to our own building last March, many of you have been asking, "What is the hardwood floor area next to the adjusting suite?" Most thought it was a dance floor! It is actually the future home of BStrong4Life.

I spent another weekend in Chicago last week studying what will become a revolutionary way to get all the exercise you neeed in a week in a fraction of the time, and REVERSE osteoporosis and osteopenia without any drugs or supplements......better yet, strengthen the bone to a phenomenal level now so as to prevent osteoporosis or osteopenia from ever developing in the first place!

We have been seeing some absolutely amazing Post-Bone Density Scans (DXA Scan: the gold standard for measuring bone density) that knock the socks off any drug treatments.